Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Quakes and Burns

It was around 12:30am, and I was sound asleep.

However, I wasn't so asleep that I missed hearing my phone go off. I blinked several times, yawned, stretched and fumbled around in the dark until I found the phone.

The light from the text message was so bright, that I couldn't read it at first. However, once I recovered from the blinding light, I read the early morning message from Lockie.

"Just experienced my first earthquake in Tokyo! It was so sudden & scary! I think there might be aftershocks."


I bolted up from my bed and began to panic! My boy was in danger of dying in an earthquake! I couldn't do anything! I felt so helpless.

I sent him a text back asking if he was OK and if he could go somewhere safe. Eventually after many reassurances from his end that he was OK and that the danger had passed, I reluctantly lay back down.

I couldn't sleep for the rest of that night.

It wasn't until I heard from him in Malaysia that I felt better. He was finally out of that shaking country! Of course I was not particularly impressed by his reaction to the whole event.

im in malasia atm, the earth quake was big but not dangerous, i loved every second of it!!"


Boys. Stupid stupid boys. They give you heart attacks and think nothing more of the situation than just an "awesome" experience.

Although I thought he was insane and completely delirious, I was glad he was safe. And I was also excited. He was finally in Malaysia, which meant he would home in less than 24hours!

The night he was landing was a very sleepless night for me. I couldn't wait to see him so much!

The next day we organised for a lunch date with his friend and his girlfriend Karen. Karen and I were super excited! We sat waiting and waiting and finally we saw the two boys. We ran so fast towards them and I'm sure we look completely ridiculous.

However before I could give Lockie the biggest hug, I was stopped.

He had the worst sunburn all over his back and neck! He didn't want me to hurt him, so I was foreced to gentle pat him hello.

Completely pathetic.

Stupid boy, who thinks earthquakes are fun and who gets badly sunburnt so I can't hug him properly.

Never mind I guess. He was home.

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