Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Being Honest

It took me a good two and a half days to write the letter.

I don't remember how neat my writing was, but I do remember ensuring that I carefully planned each word which went down on to the paper. This was going to be an important letter, and I couldn't make any mistakes.

So I wrote it all down, as many details as I could remember. I believe there are more details I could have included, and many of them I can think of now. But I didn't include them because my mind had blocked them out. And it is only now, nearly seven years later, that my mind is healing enough for me to painfully remember, and slowly recover.

So I sealed the envelope.

I mailed it off.

He needed to know the hurt and baggage I was carrying. Because if I never told him, I would ruin the happiness we were enjoying.

Two days after I had posted the letter, he called me. He had just finished reading it.

He told me how sorry he was, and how much he wanted to show me that everything would be safe with him. I would never again be hurt that way again.

And I knew I could trust him, because he didn't reject me despite my past.

It was the biggest relief, and the happiest moment I had ever had. I could feel safe once more.

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