My new semi-relationship was about to experience its first seperation.
On the 10th of July, Lachlan and a whole team from youth, including my best friend Joanne, were heading off on a missions trip to Japan. Lockie told me that if we had gotten together earlier, he would have considered pulling out of the trip.
His affection made my heart melt.
I know now that this 2-week seperation was preparation for something much bigger which would impact us in the future. But until I realised this, I was stuck being devastated by the fact that I wouldn't be seeing him for 14 days! It was tearing me to shreds!
So I decided to follow tradition, and (hopefully) make him love me forever, and never look back. I wrote him letters.
I wrote 16 letters: one for every day he was gone, including his plane trip home. I didn't know what to write for most of them, especially for the days right in the middle of his trip, because I had run out of topics to really talk about. But eventually I came up with enough waffle to cover 16 letters. I printed them out (in secret of course, so that my mother and father wouldn't realise I was writing endless love letters to him) and folded them neatly and put them in my handbag.
A few days before he left I passed my driving test & got my license. I was stoked, but he was even more stoked!! He was so proud of me. It was the best feeling in the world.
I could now drive myself to catch the bus and go to te airport with him. Gathering up my 16 letters, all neatly folded into envelopes (which I had stolen from my mum's stash- she couldn't find this out either, because there was now only 3 envelopes left, and she would make me buy a new pack of envelopes), I jumped into my little blue car and drove to church where the mini bus was waiting.
I hurried down to the bus and watched as he helped everyone load their luggage and find their seats. He made sure that everyone had a place to sit first before he jumped on next to me. I loved him all over again.
As we drove along he handed me a package- my first Lachlan package. These packages were things to be coverted. They contained everything you could possibly want or need and they were thoughtful and loving gifts. I have received several of these packages, and all have been unique and beautiful.
In this package was a letter-something I still have. There were also movies of his, which he wanted me to watch. (little did I know he was secretly trying to convert me into a sci-fi fan. He is still trying), a TV series which he loved & playstation games to play.
I never ended using half of what he had left me, because I became too busy with July school holiday life, but I was (and still am) touched by his thoughtfulness.
We got closer to the airport and my heart was sinking lower and lower. I never thought I would miss anyone so badly, and he hadn't even left yet!
We got out at Sydney airport and walked into the check-in terminal. While he and the others checked in, I took the opportunity of watching over his carry on bag and shoved my 16 letters in. He would get a lovely surprise when he got onto the plane.
After they had checked in we headed off towards the food court for lunch. We were scanned & x-rayed for deadly explosives and once we had passed the test, we headed into a busy court.
Although we weren't running late, we didn't exactly have a huge amount of time, so we quickly ordered the most familiar thing there: chicken nuggets from McDonalds.
Lachlan and I still talk about those nuggets. They were life-changing nuggets. They were hot, crispy and the chicken simply melted in our mouths. I have never tasted chicken nuggets that good since! It is very sad.
As I savoured those delicious nuggets, Lachlan reached for his carry-on luggage. I did not realise what he was doing, until he cried out in surprise at the 16 letters. I was not ready for his discovery and jumped so high I nearly spilled my coke all over myself.
As I pulled myself back together, my gaze caught his. He had the biggest smile on his face. I went so red that people giggled silently.
"Thank you so much!"
"That's's not much reall..."
"It's perfect"
Relief swept over me for a moment. It was gone in an instant.
"I am so giving you a hug for this later," he whispered.
My heart froze. I had freaked out when I had lightly brushed his hand at the movies! Now he wanted a real hug? I tried to hide my fear and nervousness. What if it wasn't the perfect hug? What if I hugged too tight? What if it didn't spark any magic? Could this be the defining hug for us?
I look back and feel foolish for my over-thinking, but at the time I was truly scared.
Finally it came time for them to head off to customs. Everyone said their goodbyes, and eventually it was only Lockie and I left.
The hug was perfect.
He turned and walked through the glass automatic doors into Customs. I turned around and headed back towards the carpark.
His yell caught me by surprise. I turned back and there he stood at the doors, waving madly. I laughed and waved back.
He went back inside. Before I had a chance to turn around again, he came back to wave some more.
This continued for some time.
Eventually, we were both forced to leave and go our separate ways. But we knew that the goodbye was worth all the stalling in the world.
And now we faced the next two weeks alone. The longest two weeks of our lives.
On the 10th of July, Lachlan and a whole team from youth, including my best friend Joanne, were heading off on a missions trip to Japan. Lockie told me that if we had gotten together earlier, he would have considered pulling out of the trip.

His affection made my heart melt.
I know now that this 2-week seperation was preparation for something much bigger which would impact us in the future. But until I realised this, I was stuck being devastated by the fact that I wouldn't be seeing him for 14 days! It was tearing me to shreds!
So I decided to follow tradition, and (hopefully) make him love me forever, and never look back. I wrote him letters.
I wrote 16 letters: one for every day he was gone, including his plane trip home. I didn't know what to write for most of them, especially for the days right in the middle of his trip, because I had run out of topics to really talk about. But eventually I came up with enough waffle to cover 16 letters. I printed them out (in secret of course, so that my mother and father wouldn't realise I was writing endless love letters to him) and folded them neatly and put them in my handbag.
A few days before he left I passed my driving test & got my license. I was stoked, but he was even more stoked!! He was so proud of me. It was the best feeling in the world.
I could now drive myself to catch the bus and go to te airport with him. Gathering up my 16 letters, all neatly folded into envelopes (which I had stolen from my mum's stash- she couldn't find this out either, because there was now only 3 envelopes left, and she would make me buy a new pack of envelopes), I jumped into my little blue car and drove to church where the mini bus was waiting.
I hurried down to the bus and watched as he helped everyone load their luggage and find their seats. He made sure that everyone had a place to sit first before he jumped on next to me. I loved him all over again.
As we drove along he handed me a package- my first Lachlan package. These packages were things to be coverted. They contained everything you could possibly want or need and they were thoughtful and loving gifts. I have received several of these packages, and all have been unique and beautiful.
In this package was a letter-something I still have. There were also movies of his, which he wanted me to watch. (little did I know he was secretly trying to convert me into a sci-fi fan. He is still trying), a TV series which he loved & playstation games to play.
I never ended using half of what he had left me, because I became too busy with July school holiday life, but I was (and still am) touched by his thoughtfulness.
We got closer to the airport and my heart was sinking lower and lower. I never thought I would miss anyone so badly, and he hadn't even left yet!
We got out at Sydney airport and walked into the check-in terminal. While he and the others checked in, I took the opportunity of watching over his carry on bag and shoved my 16 letters in. He would get a lovely surprise when he got onto the plane.
After they had checked in we headed off towards the food court for lunch. We were scanned & x-rayed for deadly explosives and once we had passed the test, we headed into a busy court.
Although we weren't running late, we didn't exactly have a huge amount of time, so we quickly ordered the most familiar thing there: chicken nuggets from McDonalds.
Lachlan and I still talk about those nuggets. They were life-changing nuggets. They were hot, crispy and the chicken simply melted in our mouths. I have never tasted chicken nuggets that good since! It is very sad.
As I savoured those delicious nuggets, Lachlan reached for his carry-on luggage. I did not realise what he was doing, until he cried out in surprise at the 16 letters. I was not ready for his discovery and jumped so high I nearly spilled my coke all over myself.
As I pulled myself back together, my gaze caught his. He had the biggest smile on his face. I went so red that people giggled silently.
"Thank you so much!"
"That's's not much reall..."
"It's perfect"
Relief swept over me for a moment. It was gone in an instant.
"I am so giving you a hug for this later," he whispered.
My heart froze. I had freaked out when I had lightly brushed his hand at the movies! Now he wanted a real hug? I tried to hide my fear and nervousness. What if it wasn't the perfect hug? What if I hugged too tight? What if it didn't spark any magic? Could this be the defining hug for us?
I look back and feel foolish for my over-thinking, but at the time I was truly scared.
Finally it came time for them to head off to customs. Everyone said their goodbyes, and eventually it was only Lockie and I left.
The hug was perfect.
He turned and walked through the glass automatic doors into Customs. I turned around and headed back towards the carpark.
His yell caught me by surprise. I turned back and there he stood at the doors, waving madly. I laughed and waved back.
He went back inside. Before I had a chance to turn around again, he came back to wave some more.
This continued for some time.
Eventually, we were both forced to leave and go our separate ways. But we knew that the goodbye was worth all the stalling in the world.
And now we faced the next two weeks alone. The longest two weeks of our lives.
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