I am no fan of crowds. In fact I would rather eat a bowl of disgusting, evil Weet-bix than get caught (and most likely drown) in a sea of people.
So, although Exo Day is a fun day to hang out with friends from church, it is one event that I don't always find enjoyable, simply because thousands of people attend. However, as I was a youth leader I needed to go to watch out for some young girls I was in charge of. Plus he was going. Always the bonus.
It was the most miserable weather! Rain bucketing down, and literally 3 spaces for shelter. After trying to 'enjoy' the shower by exploring the rides, music and food stalls, we all chickened out and headed to an empty shed where rappers and BMX bikers were singing/riding to their heart's content.
Although neither rap music, nor fancy tricks on BMX bikes interested me, I was just glad to be dry-ish...well at least no wetter than before. But it was still chilly from winter and my jacket was no longer providing me with sufficient warmth.
Our group, which consisted of about 8 people including Lachlan, Joanne and some other friends from school, the girls I was watching and myself, soon found our 'spot', claimed it and sat down. We had no intention of moving at all until the night was over, which wouldn't happen for another 3-4hours. I was OK with that, because I am lazy and can just sit in one spot for ages and do absolutely nothing. I don't know how the others felt about it, but I didn't really care.
I was staying put.
Not long after we had settled, Lachlan and Joanne were hankering for some ice-cream. I thought they were insane because it was so cold, however off they went to get their creamy delight.
When they came back I was given the most thoughtful surprise! Lachlan had searched far and wide until he returned with a towel. Wrapping myself in it I was drying off and warming up quickly. It was the sweetest gift he had given me!
Of course toward the end of the night he and some of the other guys had gotten into this weird mood and were going slightly insane, but overall it was a great night.
That towel is my favourite of all towels I've ever owned.
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