Thursday, October 21, 2010

The first couple of months

Our relationship had smooth beginnings. I went back to school to begin my final year, and Lachlan went to work to finish his 4 year TAFE course and become a fully qualified mechanical engineer.

I love telling people what his occupation is. They all look very impressed with my "catch", but really I was lucky to have been so amazingly blessed.

In March not much happened. I was trying to not get stressed about my half-yearly exams and I especially didn't want Lachlan to have a crazy girlfriend on his hands when it came to schoolwork. We went to a dinner at a friend's house one Sunday night, playing the Wii and spending a lot of the time whispering to one another on the couch. We were still taking advantage of our new "status" and so people were still quite alright for us to be anti-social.

But that would not last for much longer and we knew that we had to assure people that we weren't going to neglect our friendships with them simply because we had entered into a relationship. In fact I am always quite proud of the way we continued to value other people and not just spend every waking second with each other.

April rolled around and I went on a 3 day "missions" trip to Mudgee to do a kids program. It was a lot of fun and absolutely FREEZING! I miss Lachlan terribly the whole time, and I found my phone bill hurting by the end of the three days. We also received some bad news- Granny was sick. Her cancer in the throat had returned. I felt utterly helpless! I was so far away and I couldn't be there while Lachlan dealt with this terrible news. It made me realise how important family really was.

I sat my exams and passed. The relief was indescribable as they were quite difficult exams. Easter came and went. Holidays were treasured. The start of 2009 was going quite well in my mind.

May came along. Little did I know it, but this was going to be life changing month.

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